7 Simple Ways to Detox Your Life and Thrive in the New Year

7 Simple Ways to Detox Your Life and Thrive in the New Year

We do it every year- make resolutions only to realize by February we’ve already fallen off course. Instead of making a resolution, you won’t keep, why not try these 7 simple ways to detox your life and thrive in the New Year?  

1. Identify the things that didn’t make you feel good during 2022 and start eliminating or minimizing them.

You won’t be able to eliminate everything that causes you stress (i.e., your co-parent, job, relatives, etc.) but you can set boundaries that minimize the negative impact they’ll have on your life so you can thrive in the new year. Don’t be afraid to block, unfollow, and delete anyone or anything that isn’t contributing to your life in a positive way.

2. Declutter your space

You don’t need to wait until the spring to do a bit of spring cleaning. While you’re decluttering your home, don’t forget to declutter your technology as well. Unsubscribe from emails you no longer wish to receive, cancel subscription services you don’t use, delete old documents from your computer, and clear your phone of any unused apps.

3. Pay it forward

Apply the saying “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure” to your decluttering spree by donating any items you no longer need. Your space will feel cleaner, and you’ll be enhancing someone else’s life simultaneously- we call that a Win-Win!

 4. Get a calendar or planner

Technology is great for many things, but nothing beats writing down your tasks and checking them off one by one as you accomplish them. Having a physical calendar in the home is also great for single parents because it allows the kids to see the schedule and feel more involved.

5. Reach out to people that you want in your life this year

A “Happy New Year” text is a great way to reconnect with the people you felt a little distant from the previous year. If you want those people in your life this year, reach out! The longer you wait to extend the olive branch, the greater the distance grows between you.

6. Enter with a positive attitude

Just like waking up on the wrong side of the bed, if you start the new year off with the wrong attitude, it will be difficult to turn it around. Even if things are feeling heavy for you right now and you don’t have much hope for the new year, hope for the strength to handle whatever the new year brings. When you look for the positive, you’re bound to find it.

7. Set yourself up with a supportive community

We all know that divorce can be a very lonely, isolating experience- but it doesn’t have to be! If you don’t already have a village of support surrounding you, you’ve found one here with Split.fyi. Join in on some of our community events, like our weekly Coffee Talk. If you make any resolutions this year, let it be that you will reach out for support. It’s there and we promise you don’t have to do this new year alone!

Interested in other ways to make 2023 your best year yet? Read these blogs for inspiration: