How Moon Phases Affect Your Mood

How moon phases affect your mood

The moon has 8 phases, and each of those phases can affect you differently- both physically and emotionally. Some of us are affected more than others, but since human beings are made up of 70 percent water, we are all affected in some way- whether we’d like to admit it or not. Are you curious how moon phases affect your mood?

Not everyone believes in the power of the moon. Science has tried to discount its effect on our bodies countless times. But there is no disputing the effects it has on the tides and other organisms made up primarily of water, so it isn’t too far-fetched to believe that the moon phases affect us, too.

Maximizing the 8 Moon Phases

If you haven’t taken an astronomy class recently, let’s refresh your memory on the moon’s phases. There are eight in total: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. Each phase can have a different effect on the body:

New Moon

This phase represents a fresh start, so it’s the perfect time to set some intentions and focus on your goals. Our bodies are usually at our most calm during this moon phase, but we also might be craving some alone time. A great self-care activity for this timeframe- aside from writing down our intentions- is to allow ourselves some space for some quiet self-reflection.

Waxing Crescent

This week-long phase is a continuation of the new moon’s intention-setting and goal-crushing vibe. We usually have more energy during this phase, so taking advantage of that by staying focused on our intentions and getting as much accomplished as possible is the best way to spend this period. Aside from staying focused on our goals and intentions, an excellent way to practice some self-care during this moon phase is by starting a new exercise routine or checking off items on our to-do list.

First Quarter

This is the timeframe where we start to see some challenges. Our patience may start to wane, especially if we are struggling with getting our goals for the month accomplished. The frustration may mount with our intention setting, and we might just feel like giving up altogether. Instead of doing that, this is the perfect time to lean into what our bodies and minds need most- rest. When you feel yourself getting impatient, don’t be afraid to take a mental health break and do something relaxing.

Waxing Gibbous

Now is the time to give yourself a break. Maybe you were overzealous with your intention and goal setting and you’re starting to feel overwhelmed. That’s okay- not everything can be accomplished all at once. Give yourself some grace during this moon phase and see where you need to make some adjustments. Just because reality is hitting you doesn’t mean you need to give up on your goals entirely. There’s no shame in scaling back.

Full Moon

The name says it all. This moon phase is FULL of emotions. You might find yourself easily overwhelmed and irritated- especially if you’re struggling with sleep like so many do during this phase. Avoid making any big decisions during this time and allow yourself to maximize the energy of the moon instead. Some people swear by cleansing baths during a full moon. To do this, set a jug of water outside during the full moon and allow it to charge in the moon’s energy. The next day, add the jug of water to a bath filled with your favorite essential oils to remove all the negative energy from your body.

Waning Gibbous

This nearly week-long phase is when we can finally let go of all the tension in our bodies that accumulated during the lead-up to the full moon. Instead of craving alone time, like in the earlier moon phases, now is the time for social interaction. A great way to practice self-care during this period is by meeting up with a few friends or scheduling a massage to relieve any muscle tension that built up during the waxing moon phases.

Third Quarter

As the moon starts to purge its light, you may also feel the urge to purge your life. This is the perfect time to get organized and to eliminate anything that is weighing you down- both physically and emotionally. Spend some time purging your home or office of unneeded items and release any negative emotions you’ve been hanging onto for the past few weeks. It’s also a good time to practice some deep breathing. Meditation and yoga are ideal self-care practices during this moon phase.

Waning Crescent

This is a time for reflection and to go over what you accomplished during this moon cycle. You might feel physically and emotionally drained, so it’s not the time to make any major decisions or to set any new goals. Simply tie up whatever loose ends you can and make a list of the goals you’d like to bring forward with you into the next month. Writing a few things down in a gratitude journal can help you put the past few weeks into perspective as well.

The Moon Phases and Relationships

Paying attention to the moon phases can be a great benefit to your relationships. If you know a full moon is approaching and you’re feeling more irritable, expressing that to your partner or co-parent could help alleviate some unwanted conflict. If you’re in the stay-or-go stage of your relationship, it also may be a good way to track when the best time is to make big decisions regarding the future of your relationship. Avoiding big decisions when the moon is at its brightest and your emotions are at their highest may be of benefit to you.

Following the moon phases can also be good for your post-divorce dating life. Our libidos can be greatly affected by the moon, as can our need for emotional intimacy. Gaining more knowledge about our wants and needs is never a bad thing and can only strengthen our relationships with the people in our lives.

If you’re interested in learning more about moon phases and how they affect your life, there are plenty of resources available both online and in print. Not only is it interesting to learn about, but it can also be a good way to get into a new routine of setting goals and intentions for your life after divorce.